Friday, October 12, 2012

One Week Down, Only 114 to Go!

The first week of training has been great. Our group has definitely been spoiled in terms of food. Each morning the hotel we are staying provides us breakfast and we eat lunch at the training center. One night our group went to a restaurant for dinner, another night two of the guys in our group made dinner, another night we had a delicious dinner at our country director’s home (his wife is an excellent cook), another night three girls from Group 83 made us lasagna, salad, and cheese cake for our girls night, and last night there was a ton of food for the fiafia. Group 83 did some awesome dances, and then a fire dancer put on a show! After that, Group 83 and our group met at a bar, then we went to a nightclub. It was fun to see the Samoan nightlife in Apia, which is exactly how it is in the States. There was a lot of American music played, which I wasn’t expecting at all. Group 83 showed us a great time. I appreciate the break because training has been mentally exhausting. I’ve only been here for just one week, but it feels like a month. In America everything is so rushed. In Samoa, it’s a lot slower. People don’t seem as rushed here, which I love. So that’s probably why the days seems to go longer and why it feels like I’ve been here a lot longer than a month.
Almost every night I’ve been looking up at the stars. I love doing that at home, so it’s great that the night skies are clear here.
Today we move to our training village. I won’t have Internet while there, so this will be my last post for 9 weeks. If anyone from back home is reading this, I love you all and miss every single one of you so much. I really do. I will see you all in just 114 weeks. 

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