Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Jungle, a.k.a., My Fale (House)!

Any idea what the stuff on my top is?? If you guessed MOLD, ding, ding, ding, you are correct!

Another moldy item

Scary looking pinchers!

Taranchula? I was shakin' in my boots when I took the photo, that's why it's blurry.

These bad boys are all over my house!

This gecko fell from wherever its nest is

Another view of the gecko

This newly hatched gecko didn't stand a chance with the ants! The shell was partially attached to it.

A gecko fell to its death, landing on my mosquito net! Kalofae! (What a pity!)

Hangin' on my water filter

I was away from my site for 9 days. I returned to a find that something ate a piece of material that was holding up my mosquito net (on the back left of my net), furthering my suspicion that there's a rat living in my thatched ceiling.

An ant massacre in my kitchen. Thank you, Mortein!

A grasshopper with a stinger? 

Now for the most interesting thing I've found inside my house:

A CRAB, in my shower!!! The question is: how did it get into my house?!

When it's raining outside, I resort to hanging my clothes inside my house, taking 2 days or longer to dry! Yay, mold!

At my host grandmother's house. I love how the chickens and cats mingle!

The tide was so low, the reef was visible! A crazy sight!

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