Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pure Bliss

Moments after the Spurs became the 2014 NBA Champs. Yes, I took a photo of the television. 

 The San Antonio Spurs are the 2014 NBA Champions!!! I’m a HUGE fan, so couldn’t be more thrilled, especially after last year’s heartbreaking loss in Game 6 of the Finals.

If I wasn’t watching the game in Apia

then I was watching the game at a new resort near my village. The resort has satellite TV, which is the best thing to happen to my village life and my love for sports. It’s a very expensive resort, so I’m trying to limit my time there.

The beautiful Saletoga Sands 
Once the Spurs became the champs, I finished my pizza, paid my bill, and then headed to the resort next door. Why didn’t I stay at the new resort? Because everyone from my village works there, whereas the older resort isn’t nearly as busy so the staff is limited. This means I can have more privacy and the beach to myself.

Anyway, I went on the beach and enjoyed the big victory. It was a great feeling; I literally jumped for joy!

Pure happiness

In other news, I've officially finished my 6th term teaching in a Samoan primary school! I have just two terms left! School was released early on Friday, so I headed to the resort for a celebration. I can't believe my time in Samoa is coming to an end.

How am I spending my holiday? I get one week off. I started it at the resort on Friday, spent all day in on Saturday, and I went to church on Sunday. I'm in Apia right now. On Wednesday I plan on going to my favourite beach resort in Lalomanu. Then I'll come back to Apia for the weekend to see a friend who's coming from New Zealand and go out with a fellow PCV.

Here’s to less than 6 months left in Samoa! 


  1. Hi Angelina,
    I've enjoyed reading your blog. In one of your posts you mention an Instagram. What's your name, if it's cool to follow you.

    1. Hi Jesse,

      Thank you for reading my blog! Of course you can follow me. My Instagram is @angelinaaugust.

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