Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Weekend in Samoa

Because Samoa is a religious country, super religious, I had a 4-day weekend. I had Friday off due to Good Friday and Monday off due to Easter Monday. I know in the States, well in Santa Fe anyway, most people get Good Friday off, too, but instead of declaring it “Good Friday,” it is called a “public in-service day,” or something of that sort. Not in Samoa. The days off are for religious purposes.

Anyway, on Good Friday I went to church, slept, ate, had a workout, and spent the evening weeding the family property with my host mother and cousin. My host family finds it hilarious when I tell them “O a’u o le teine samoa” (I’m a Samoan girl), so that’s why I help with the weeding.

Saturday was a beach day, spent in the village of Manase. Let me tell you that this part of the island is absolutely breathtaking, filled with crystal clear waters and white sand beaches. I had a wonderful time hanging out with friends and enjoying the sunshine.
Beach day in Manase

Um, yeah, I live here… No big deal! Truly blessed. 

I love niu (coconut water)!
On Sunday was a typical church day in Samoa. I went to Easter service, and then attended my family’s to’onai (Sunday lunch).

On Monday, I got an unexpected visit from Madi and Kate, fellow PCVs, along with Benj, a RPCV. It was a nice visit. I warmed Italian bread for them, and we chatted as they ate. Then we went for a swim as Benj went spear fishing.

When they left, I finished my laundry, washed my water filter, mopped my floors, exercised, and helped my host cousin with her homework. It was a productive day.

Friday afternoon will be the end of Term 1. What’s so special about it? It’s the end of my first term as a teacher in a Samoan Primary School! I survived! Hallelujah! I’ll have two weeks off. The first week will be spent on beaches, hanging out with PCVs. We are having a big bbq on the beach next week. It’s American themed, so we are all excited about it. I’ll blog about it in a couple of weeks. The second week of break will be in Apia, for Peace Corps training knows as Early Service Conference (ESC). I’m looking forward to the training, seeing the awesome Peace Corps staff, and spending time with the other PCVs.

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